The New York Times has published an article saying there will be a love vaccine invented in the near future. A drug that will enable you to practically choose who you would want to fall in love with and not rely on purely sexual or Neanderthal instincts. It also says that drugs like oxycontin, prozac and vasopressin already numb the mentioned brain receptors making it less likely for you to cheat on your spouse or loved one.
Now, wait just an oxycontin picking minute. Are they saying that I am with someone that, given the proper state of mind, I would never have chosen? That I should "test" these drugs out to see if I would still like the person I am with without the raging primordial ooze telling me what I should be doing? Also, what the hell is vasopressin? Those two other drugs, well, we all know what they do, right? They make you happy internally so that it dulls the need to find happiness externally. But, vasopressin? Apparently, it is an anti diuretic, it dehydrates you and puts pressure on your heart. I think that will give you a whole lot more to think about than trying to get laid.
Honestly, except for the last drug, these other drugs are all given to people who need help psychologically. Listen to me, I've taken them all. Oxycontin is the last resort pain medication for terminally ill patients. I'm surprised that they would even correlate the lack of bar hopping and mingling to the drug. In truth, from my experience, lifting and holding beer is extremely difficult while on oxycontin. And honestly, prozac is used for severely depressed, OCD, Bulimics, and people with panic disorder. Which is, of course, a veritable garden of who is clubbing and laying their mack down.
Unless these doctors are clinically studying these drugs as recreational use, like I have, there really is no understanding if they work as a "commitment pill" or if the people are just fucked up from the start.
I think they should correlate the drugs with how they solve the real problem. No one wants to drink booze on any of these drugs. Booze clouds your judgment and you become stupid and slutty. I think we can all agree on this common denominator. Now I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that I have the most correct theory going.
If you need me to fix world peace or something just email me and I'll think about it.