
In a New York fertility clinic Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg predicts that, within 6 months, they will be featuring a service providing expectant parents with decisions on gender, eye color and hair color, among other physical traits. The genetic diagnosis procedure that scans the embryo has been used for years but primarily to insure against dangerous birth defects or disease. The doctor thinks they can predict up to 80% accurate results with the tests.

You know, I'll be frank, I didn't want kids mostly because I thought God would get me back for making fun of retards. I kept telling myself, "better safe than sorry". Now though, it looks like me and God are on more equal ground. I'm the one that gets to have the retard baby if I want it. One with green eyes and red hair, or the other way around, my choice now God. Maybe I knew a little Corky was coming and that was alright with me. But no, you had to throw this little fire into the ring and give me the option. Oh, you're good God, maybe too good.

So here we are in the middle of science against higher powers. How far have we come that we feel we need to control everything down to the likeness of our unborn children? Why must we play dice with mother nature again and again?

I think I'm going to stick with one of my original ideas and go the old fashioned way of determining which baby you get, adoption. I'm getting a darker one like Madonna's.
But, I'm not going to be all lame and name it David like her, jeez.
I think everyone knows to mark Batman Superman off their baby name lists.