I read that this Australian guy had his penis bitten off as he attempted to rape a raccoon. This picture above obviously has nothing to do with the incident but you get the idea of how slutty raccoons are to begin with, right?
I think it's unfair to just come out with the rape word, you know? That could scar a man for life and no one remembers you before you were the raccoon rapist. Trust me.
I, personally, am on the fence on this one.
For example, the 44 year old gentleman in question said to Moscow surgeons that he was drinking with friends, "When I saw the raccoon I thought I'd have some fun." Some "fun" ladies and gentlemen, now that doesn't sound like rape to me.
Besides, this man is 44, he is not a young impressionable youth who would not think about the consequences of his actions.
I say the raccoon wanted it. Out all night with no clothes on and all that mascara. Sashaying through the wilderness and just "happened" on to their drinking area?
The proof is here for me folks. Raccoons are the whores of the animal world, everybody knows that. She wanted it and took it as a little prize for her sick, sick collection.
Luckily, the surgeons have said, "He's been told they can get things working again but they can't sew back on what the raccoon bit off." i.e. because that bitch raccoon still has it in her possession.
Well, my thoughts are with him as well as his friend who said, "(There's a part of him) gone forever so there isn't going to be much for (the surgeons) to work with."
My advice to you, big guy, is to try the nickname "stumpy" so raccoon rapist doesn't stick. Yeah. That's what I'd do.
Good Luck Stumpy!!