
First and foremost for me I want this to be a forum for honesty. So I have a little confession to make so we can clear the air and get off on a good foot. When I was younger I hit my pet lizard with a shovel and buried him alive.
Now hear me out, I thought he was dead. He wasn't moving in his tank for a very long time, weeks. I tried to hand feed him crickets and he had horrible mouth rot that no amount of medicine from the vet was fixing. But it all seemed lost. So after he looked gray and his mouth was so gross (and I had two other agamas in the tank with him) and he hadn't moved in, like I said, weeks. I took him out of the tank to give him a proper burial.
We plotted a little ground in the backyard so we could mourn him properly. We didn't use a box or anything because we wanted him to biodegrade easily. Just as we were about to put the final dirt over him his eyes opened like a crazy horror movie. I screamed.
My friend who was helping me bury him looked at me with the same panic. What do we do? Let him slowly die longer?
That's when we decided to euthanize Senor Vasco agama. I loved him and I killed him. Goodbye forever Vasco.

Also, don't write me that he was hibernating, I feel guilty enough I don't need that hanging over my head. I never had the temperature drop below 60 and he was only in captivity for a year.

Sorry, where were we?
Anyway, I feel like we've grown closer already. High fives all around. Whew.

This post is in memory of Vasco Agama.
Note: The writer no longer owns lizards.